Retained by plaintiff as consulting Property Insurance Expert to analyze issues surrounding claim denial under an Inland Marine Builders Risk policy. Case issues included Additional Insured endorsements, policy exclusions, Agent Errors & Omissions, and carrier Insurance Bad Faith. Attorney Michael Kennedy – Casey Ciklin Lubitz Martens & O’Connell West Palm Beach, FL (561) 832-5900. Suffolk Construction v. Royal Indemnity Co., Brown & Brown, Inc., et al; Cause No. 502002CA012543, 15th Judicial District, Palm Beach County, Florida.
Category: Agent Errors and Omissions
Retained by defense counsel to render opinions in answer to allegations of Insurance Agent Errors & Omissions and Insurance Bad Faith claims misconduct by wholesale broker at Lloyds London. Case issues involved coverage under Lloyds Ocean Marine Insurance Builders Risk coverage form. Attorney Ashley Parrish – Cantey & Hanger, LLP, (214) 978-4145, The Houston Exploration Company v. Tysers International Insurance & Reinsurance Brokers & At Lloyds, et al, Cause No. 2004-61582 in the 234th District Court, Harris County, Texas.
July 1, 2006burld
Engaged by counsel for plaintiff to assist with Agent Errors & Omissions and Homeowners claims issues in regard to Excess Flood Insurance. Attorney Peter Koeppel – Best Koeppel Attorneys (504) 598-1000. Best v. Independent Insurance Associates, Inc., Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana; No. 05-13441, Division “H”, Docket No. 12.; Best v. Independent Insurance Associates, Inc. and Employers Reinsurance Corporation; United States District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana; No. 06-1130, Section “C”, Magistrate 5.
May 1, 2006burld
Retained by plaintiff counsel as Homeowners Insurance Expert to advise regarding Agent Errors & Omissions allegations for failure to replace Dwelling Fire Policy coverage, and claims handling “customs and practice”. Attorney Guillermo Cronfel – The Cronfel Firm (512) 347-9600; Olga Palacios v. AIC-Sunbelt Group, Inc., et al, Cause No. 276966 in The County Court at Law No. Two (2) of Travis County, Texas.
April 1, 2006burld
Engaged by insurance carrier as Agent Errors & Omissions, Commercial General Liability and Professional Liability Insurance expert. Dispute arose from late notice of claim under both Occurrence form and Claims Made policies. Attorney Carol Keough – Coats Rose Yale Ryman Lee (713) 653-7372; REO vs. Zurich American Insurance Co., et al. Cause No. C-1739-01-CA (Severed cause); in The 139th J.D. Court, Hidalgo County, Texas.
February 1, 2006burld
Case issues involved misrepresentation of material policy terms contained in proposal for hailstorm coverage. Retained as Property Insurance Expert by plaintiff counsel to offer opinion on Insurance Agent Errors & Omissions relative to Article 21.21 Section 4(11). Attorney Conrad Bodden – Cowen & Bodden Law Offices (956) 541-4981. Cowen, et al v. Robert Wade Sales, et al., Cause NO.2004-08-3923 in the 357th Judicial District Court of Cameron County, TX.
October 1, 2005burld
Engaged to assist defense attorneys answering alleged Agent Errors & Omissions. A fireworks explosion and fire resulted in multiple fatalities and widespread property losses. Allegations involved coverage placement disputes for numerous lines of insurance: Commercial Auto, Workers Compensation, General Liability Insurance, Commercial Umbrella, and Property Insurance. Attorneys Brent Cooper and Joyce Ondich – Cooper & Scully, PC, (214) 712-9500. Joseph M. Lamb, Jr. d/b/a Pyrotechnics by Lamb v. Britton-Gallagher, et al; Civil Action No. 2-04CV-400, US District Court, Eastern District of Texas, Marshall Division.
September 1, 2005burld
Engaged to assist defense counsel answering allegations of Agent Errors & Omissions resulting from Products Liability Certificate of Insurance procedures. Attorney Elaine Lenahan – Thompson, Coe, Cousins, and Irons, LLP, (214) 871-8200. P& W Quality Machine vs. Mid-Century Insurance; Cause No. 04-00157, 101st Judicial District, Dallas County, TX.
June 1, 2005burld
Defense counsel engagement regarding insurance placement “Standard of Care”, market conditions and allegations of fraud. Case issues included Insurance Agent Errors & Omissions during placement of a PEO Workers Compensation program. Attorney Troy Glander – Davis, Cedillo & Mendoza, Inc. (210) 822-6666. Texas Citrus Exchange, et al v. Brown & Brown, Inc., et al; Cause No.C-1420-02-E; in the 275th Judicial District, Hidalgo County, Texas.
March 1, 2005burld